Beat alcohol and drug addiction without rehab with Affect Therapeutics Sober App and telehealth outpatient addiction treatment program

Quit drinking alcohol with Affect

Get help managing your alcohol use through a convenient app-based program

Apple Store - Download
Google Play Store - Download

Free tools for your success

Explore the Affect app entirely for free – no ads, no 7-day trials. Complete Challenges to build recovery skills, set goals to reduce your drinks, and track your sobriety streak for free. There’s nothing stopping you from making progress in your recovery, starting today.

Affect's sober app has a sobriety tracker and tools to help you stop drinking

Private and professional

Have you gone days or weeks of managing your drinking well, only to find yourself struggling again? Affect’s licensed counselors specialize in addiction and can help you develop the tools you need for lasting sobriety. Affect’s clinical program also offers supportive medications to help manage cravings, if needed.

Get telehealth therapy for addiction recovery and quit drinking with Affect's sober app

Backed by neuroscience

If you’ve struggled to quit on your own, Affect may be just the extra help you need. Affect uses the science of behavior change to help you meet your goals. Your progress in treatment is celebrated with real financial rewards that reinforce good behavior. It’s all part of our gamified approach to recovery that helps you stick with it, even through the tough moments.

Contingency Management rewards motivate people to quit drugs and alcohol more effectively than other forms of addiction treatment

Download the app and get started getting better, today

  • Our integrated recovery program works from an app on your smartphone.
  • Counseling and doctor appointments are conducted over secure video conference via the app, so you can attend them anywhere.
  • Our app contains recovery-related skill building, gamified missions, and an online community to keep you engaged in recovery.
  • Rewards keep you motivated.
download affect's sober app from the app store and quit drinking today
Download Affect's Sober App from the Google Play Store

Your journey, your terms

If you decide to enroll in treatment, your care may be covered through insurance! Check our insurance partners below. You can securely and privately check for expected out of pocket expenses before committing.

Your employer will not be notified of your interest in our program, even if you have insurance through your employer.

California Insurance Partners:

  • Blue Shield of California
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Humana
  • Oscar
  • Sharp Health Plan
  • UnitedHealthcare

Note at this time, we are not partnered with Kaiser Permanente or with any Medi-Cal plans.

Download the free app to get started now!

download affect's app from the play store

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