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Fighting the Stigma of Addiction

The stigma of addiction is a barrier that keeps people from getting the help they need and it affects the lives of millions of Americans who are living in active recovery from substance use disorders (SUD). In this video, four celebrities in open recovery who advocate for those still suffering discuss the stigma.

Musican Moby has been in active recovery for 16 years. Beloved actor Dick Van Dyke entered a hospital for his alcohol use in 1972. Actor Josh Brolin began his sobriety journey in 2013. Musican Flea quit drugs in 1993.

These are just a few of the celebrities who have come out of the sober closet to share their stories and inspire others to take the brave step to a better life. They also show people who hold untrue beliefs and stigmatize people with SUDs.

Shatterproof, the non-profit dedicated to fighting the addiction crisis, has a project called the Addiction Stigma Index. It is the largest survey of public perceptions about SUDs and people who have them.

While 54% of Americans know somebody who has an SUD, the study found:

  • 74% of Americans do not believe that a person with a SUD is experiencing a chronic medical illness like diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease.
  • 54% would be unwilling to hire someone who has a SUD
  • 55% think a person with a SUD is unable to manage money
  • 57% believe a person with a SUD is not trustworthy

However, data shows the real facts. 61% of people with SUDs are in the workforce. People in active recovery are more resilient and better workers than people who do have not had SUDs. Each employee in recovery saves a company more than $8,500 on average according to the National Safety Council.

  • Workers in recovery take only 8 days off per year compared to 11.6 by workers without SUDs
  • The turnover rate for employees in recovery is 12% lower than the overall average
  • People in recovery are associated with better job performance, including attendance, positive evaluations, and fewer disciplinary actions
  • People in recovery have deeper commitments to their professions

Treatment programs teach skills that make people better workers, such as persistence, honesty, open-mindedness, strong communication, ability to take feedback, and change.

These qualities make them stronger in all of their relationships as supportive and accountable friends and partners. Founded in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous has helped countless millions find the power of recovery. The millions are countless because these people have had to live in the shadows because of this stigma.

Today, online movements and communities on social media where people are in open recovery are coming out of the “sober closet” to carry the message to others that there is a better way of life… AA’s 12 step. They show how the tools of recovery are used in all aspects of life.

There is a saying: “In a world where everyone and everything is pushing you to drink, if you can quit drinking you are strong enough to do anything.” It’s true of all SUDs.

46.3 million Americans have substance use disorders according to SAMSHA. Just 1 in every 13 gets the help they need to treat this chronic illness.

You can help stop the stigma and save lives. Just as people in recovery do it one day at a time, we stop the stigma one person at a time.

As we say in recovery, change begins with you.

Affect's private recovery program gives you real addiction and substance use treatment wherever you are. Contingency Management rewards keep you motivated

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Affect works diligently to change the way people think about substance use disorders as we change the way they are treated. We’ve built our program knowing the stigma exists and is a barrier to people getting the help they need.

With care that comes to you through our app, it’s the ultimate in discretion and convenience. There’s no need to come up with excuses to leave work to go to treatment at a clinic. Employers are not informed of people getting treatment with us when they use their health insurance.

Affect’s app is completely private and no information is shared with ad trackers. You are safe and secure in every step of your recovery. Your journey is yours and we’re with you all the way.