Being thankful in recovery

If you go to an AA meeting, you’ll inevitably hear an old-timer introduce themselves as a “grateful recovering alcoholic.” How can someone be thankful that they’re an alcoholic and addict?  It’s because they didn’t just achieve sobriety, they found recovery. People in recovery aren’t just grateful that they’ve stopped drinking and using, they’re grateful for…

How to keep sober on holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions

Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and any special occasion where people gather and celebrate together can be mine fields for the person who is protecting their sobriety or trying to manage their consumption of alcohol. No matter where someone is in their recovery journey, the temptations and pressures are always there. There’s that dreaded awkward moment when…

Mental Health and Addiction

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. It is a day of raising mental health awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health issues.  There is a mental health crisis in America, and addiction is the leading cause. Addiction and mental health challenges are closely related, with one often leading to the other. It is…

Fear and Drinking

What is the discomfort around drinking when it comes to socializing? Are people uncomfortable around you when you don’t drink, or do you feel awkward? It’s correctly said that alcohol is the one drug you have to justify not using to others. People will never ask, “can’t you do just one gram of meth” the…

September is National Recovery Month

September is designated by the White House as National Recovery Month, where we celebrate the millions of Americans who have found lasting recovery from substance use disorders. These people show the millions of others who need help that recovery is possible. They give us hope and inspiration. One in every ten Americans is dealing with…

Get Telehealth Intensive Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment on your Phone

Affect’s telehealth treatment program for alcohol and drug addiction has helped thousands of people gain control over their lives and manage substance use disorders through our smartphone app. Now the program has expanded to provide intensive outpatient (IOP) rehab services in Ohio and Kentucky, with Florida and other states coming soon. This higher level of…

Mental Health is the Number One Crisis in America, and Addiction is the Number One Cause

Mayors from all over the country addressed Congress this week about the mental health crisis they’re facing, the surge in demand for services, and the challenges in resources. Addiction is at the top of the list: in 85% of the cities, substance abuse is identified as the main cause for increased need. Hillary Schieve, mayor…

Meth, Cocaine and Fentanyl are a Killer Combination, Literally.

The Center for Disease Controls recently shared data and findings around increasing use of stimulants like meth and cocaine with the synthetic opioid Fentanyl. The overdose trend is not getting better. 110,000 million people died from overdoses in 2022. Stimulants are widely and easily available. Incredibly potent and cheap meth is flowing across the US…

How an App-Delivered Treatment Program Works for Meth Addiction

An article detailing Affect’s study on the delivery of digital treatment for methamphetamine use disorder (MUD) is featured in the July edition of the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry. The research article contains the findings from a field study conducted by Affect in California in 2021. The aim of the field study was to prove the…

Motivation and Rewards Help College Students with Marijuana Addiction

Are you starting to feel negative consequences because you’re using too much marijuana? Are you unable to cut back? You may have Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) and need real help to get control back over your life. You’re not alone. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 6 percent of adults…